Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 1,007,057 to 1,011,057 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_997 and HP15_998 are separated by 21 nucleotidesHP15_998 and HP15_999 are separated by 251 nucleotidesHP15_999 and overlap by 1641 nucleotides and HP15_1000 are separated by 4 nucleotidesHP15_1000 and HP15_1001 are separated by 14 nucleotides HP15_997: HP15_997 - conserved hypothetical protein, at 1,005,340 to 1,007,325 _997 HP15_998: HP15_998 - conserved hypothetical protein, at 1,007,347 to 1,007,934 _998 HP15_999: HP15_999 - acyl-CoA synthase, at 1,008,186 to 1,009,832 _999 frame -3, at 1,008,192 to 1,009,922 frame -3 HP15_1000: HP15_1000 - uncharacterized peroxidase-related protein, at 1,009,927 to 1,010,502 _1000 HP15_1001: HP15_1001 - pyruvate carboxyltransferase, at 1,010,517 to 1,011,422 _1001

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