Browse Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 1,217,682 to 1,221,682 on scaffold NC_010676:

500 ntBPHYT_RS25160 and BPHYT_RS25165 are separated by 42 nucleotidesBPHYT_RS25165 and are separated by 244 nucleotides and BPHYT_RS25170 overlap by 1194 nucleotidesBPHYT_RS25170 and BPHYT_RS25175 are separated by 133 nucleotides BPHYT_RS25160: BPHYT_RS25160 - NAD/NADP-dependent betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase, at 1,216,722 to 1,218,191 _RS25160 BPHYT_RS25165: BPHYT_RS25165 - HTH-type transcriptional regulator BetI, at 1,218,234 to 1,218,821 _RS25165 frame +1, at 1,219,066 to 1,220,298 frame +1 BPHYT_RS25170: BPHYT_RS25170 - aldehyde dismutase, at 1,219,105 to 1,220,304 _RS25170 BPHYT_RS25175: BPHYT_RS25175 - AraC family transcriptional regulator, at 1,220,438 to 1,221,433 _RS25175

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