Browse Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 1,224,587 to 1,228,587 on scaffold NC_007604:

500 nttrpC and phdD are separated by 76 nucleotidesphdD and overlap by 1434 nucleotides and Synpcc7942_1199 overlap by 62 nucleotidesSynpcc7942_1199 and Synpcc7942_1200 are separated by 40 nucleotides Synpcc7942_1197: trpC - indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase, at 1,224,841 to 1,225,728 trpC Synpcc7942_1198: phdD - dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, at 1,225,805 to 1,227,244 phdD frame -1, at 1,225,811 to 1,227,364 frame -1 Synpcc7942_1199: Synpcc7942_1199 - probable tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase, at 1,227,303 to 1,228,007 _1199 Synpcc7942_1200: Synpcc7942_1200 - hypothetical protein, at 1,228,048 to 1,229,061 _1200

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