Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 1,481,388 to 1,485,388 on scaffold NC_003078:

500 ntSM_b20679 and SM_b20680 are separated by 5 nucleotidesSM_b20680 and SM_b20681 are separated by 54 nucleotidesSM_b20681 and overlap by 1779 nucleotides and SM_b20682 are separated by 118 nucleotidesSM_b20682 and SM_b20683 are separated by 126 nucleotides SM_b20679: SM_b20679 - tartronate semialdehyde reductase, at 1,480,708 to 1,481,592 _b20679 SM_b20680: SM_b20680 - hydroxypyruvate isomerase, at 1,481,598 to 1,482,413 _b20680 SM_b20681: SM_b20681 - glyoxylate carboligase, at 1,482,468 to 1,484,252 _b20681 frame -2, at 1,482,474 to 1,484,303 frame -2 SM_b20682: SM_b20682 - IclR family transcriptional regulator, at 1,484,422 to 1,485,243 _b20682 SM_b20683: SM_b20683 - LysR family transcriptional regulator, at 1,485,370 to 1,486,269 _b20683

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