Browse Pseudomonas stutzeri RCH2

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 1,502,408 to 1,506,408 on scaffold Psest_Contig47.1:

500 ntPsest_1393 and Psest_1394 are separated by 1 nucleotidesPsest_1394 and Psest_1395 are separated by 10 nucleotidesPsest_1395 and overlap by 732 nucleotides and Psest_1396 overlap by 322 nucleotidesPsest_1396 and Psest_1397 are separated by 36 nucleotidesPsest_1397 and Psest_1398 overlap by 56 nucleotides Psest_1393: Psest_1393 - AraC-type DNA-binding domain-containing proteins, at 1,502,442 to 1,503,362 _1393 Psest_1394: Psest_1394 - Uncharacterized homolog of gamma-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase subunit, at 1,503,364 to 1,503,804 _1394 Psest_1395: Psest_1395 - Short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase of unknown specificity, at 1,503,815 to 1,504,552 _1395 frame -3, at 1,503,821 to 1,504,996 frame -3 Psest_1396: Psest_1396 - Cytosine/adenosine deaminases, at 1,504,675 to 1,505,145 _1396 Psest_1397: Psest_1397 - ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, permease component, at 1,505,182 to 1,506,018 _1397 Psest_1398: Psest_1398 - ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, ATPase component, at 1,505,963 to 1,506,766 _1398

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