Browse Azospirillum brasilense Sp245

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 1,678,821 to 1,682,821 on scaffold NC_016617.1:

500 ntAZOBR_RS07960 and AZOBR_RS07965 are separated by 255 nucleotidesAZOBR_RS07965 and overlap by 1764 nucleotides and AZOBR_RS07970 overlap by 651 nucleotidesAZOBR_RS07970 and AZOBR_RS07975 are separated by 170 nucleotides AZOBR_RS07960: AZOBR_RS07960 - hydroxypyruvate isomerase, at 1,678,458 to 1,679,255 _RS07960 AZOBR_RS07965: AZOBR_RS07965 - glyoxylate carboligase, at 1,679,511 to 1,681,280 _RS07965 frame -3, at 1,679,517 to 1,682,126 frame -3 AZOBR_RS07970: AZOBR_RS07970 - thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase, at 1,681,476 to 1,682,099 _RS07970 AZOBR_RS07975: AZOBR_RS07975 - GntR family transcriptional regulator, at 1,682,270 to 1,682,959 _RS07975

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