Browse Azospirillum brasilense Sp245

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 168,483 to 172,483 on scaffold NC_016618.1:

500 ntAZOBR_RS22985 and are separated by 142 nucleotides and AZOBR_RS22990 overlap by 1410 nucleotidesAZOBR_RS22990 and AZOBR_RS22995 are separated by 850 nucleotides AZOBR_RS22985: AZOBR_RS22985 - putative Glycosyltransferase, at 168,309 to 169,574 _RS22985 frame -3, at 169,717 to 171,249 frame -3 AZOBR_RS22990: AZOBR_RS22990 - TDP-4-oxo-6-deoxy-D-glucose aminotransferase, at 169,840 to 170,949 _RS22990 AZOBR_RS22995: AZOBR_RS22995 - hypothetical protein, at 171,800 to 172,582 _RS22995

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