Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 16,793 to 20,793 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc02776 and are separated by 2 nucleotides and SMc02775 overlap by 1014 nucleotidesSMc02775 and SMc02774 are separated by 108 nucleotidesSMc02774 and SMc02773 are separated by 111 nucleotides SMc02776: SMc02776 - D-arabinoate dehydratase (EC; also involved in L-fucose catabolism (from data), at 16,752 to 18,257 SMc02776 frame +2, at 18,260 to 19,327 frame +2 SMc02775: SMc02775 - D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (from data), at 18,314 to 19,333 SMc02775 SMc02774: SMc02774 - ABC transporter substrate-binding protein, at 19,442 to 20,431 SMc02774 SMc02773: SMc02773 - ABC transporter ATP-binding protein, at 20,543 to 22,096 SMc02773

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