Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,012,793 to 2,016,793 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc00155 and SMc00154 are separated by 232 nucleotidesSMc00154 and overlap by 1386 nucleotides and SMc00153 are separated by 36 nucleotidesSMc00153 and SMc00152 are separated by 111 nucleotides SMc00155: SMc00155 - DAHP synthetase prtein, at 2,012,405 to 2,013,778 SMc00155 SMc00154: SMc00154 - glutathione reductase, at 2,014,011 to 2,015,402 SMc00154 frame -2, at 2,014,017 to 2,015,570 frame -2 SMc00153: SMc00153 - hypothetical protein, at 2,015,607 to 2,016,149 SMc00153 SMc00152: SMc00152 - ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A, at 2,016,261 to 2,016,956 SMc00152

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