Browse Shewanella loihica PV-4

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,029,162 to 2,033,162 on scaffold 113993:

500 ntShew_1774 and Shew_1775 are separated by 173 nucleotidesShew_1775 and Shew_1776 overlap by 1 nucleotidesShew_1776 and overlap by 1716 nucleotides and Shew_1777 are separated by 438 nucleotides Shew_1774: Shew_1774 - excinuclease ATPase subunit (RefSeq), at 2,029,126 to 2,029,623 _1774 Shew_1775: Shew_1775 - acetolactate synthase 3 regulatory subunit (RefSeq), at 2,029,797 to 2,030,291 _1775 Shew_1776: Shew_1776 - acetolactate synthase 3 catalytic subunit (RefSeq), at 2,030,291 to 2,032,012 _1776 frame -3, at 2,030,297 to 2,032,027 frame -3 Shew_1777: Shew_1777 - Bcr/CflA subfamily drug resistance transporter (RefSeq), at 2,032,466 to 2,033,689 _1777

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