Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,159,367 to 2,163,367 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_2040 and Dshi_5005 overlap by 17 nucleotidesDshi_5005 and Dshi_2042 are separated by 132 nucleotidesDshi_2042 and overlap by 1377 nucleotides and Dshi_2043 are separated by 123 nucleotidesDshi_2043 and Dshi_2044 are separated by 140 nucleotides Dshi_2040: Dshi_2040 - UspA domain protein (RefSeq), at 2,159,382 to 2,159,789 _2040 Dshi_5005: Dshi_5005 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 2,159,773 to 2,160,468 _5005 Dshi_2042: Dshi_2042 - aminotransferase class-III (RefSeq), at 2,160,601 to 2,161,983 _2042 frame -3, at 2,160,607 to 2,162,127 frame -3 Dshi_2043: Dshi_2043 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 2,162,251 to 2,162,490 _2043 Dshi_2044: Dshi_2044 - transcriptional regulator, GntR family with aminotransferase domain (RefSeq), at 2,162,631 to 2,164,097 _2044

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