Browse Shewanella loihica PV-4

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 214,671 to 218,671 on scaffold 113993:

500 ntShew_0201 and argC are separated by 273 nucleotidesargC and overlap by 23 nucleotides and Shew_0203 overlap by 780 nucleotidesShew_0203 and Shew_0204 are separated by 42 nucleotidesShew_0204 and Shew_0205 are separated by 53 nucleotides Shew_0201: Shew_0201 - acetylornithine deacetylase (RefSeq), at 213,864 to 215,024 _0201 Shew_0202: argC - N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase (RefSeq), at 215,298 to 216,278 argC frame +1, at 216,256 to 217,086 frame +1 Shew_0203: Shew_0203 - acetylglutamate kinase (RefSeq), at 216,307 to 217,092 _0203 Shew_0204: Shew_0204 - ornithine carbamoyltransferase (RefSeq), at 217,135 to 218,040 _0204 Shew_0205: Shew_0205 - argininosuccinate synthase (RefSeq), at 218,094 to 219,317 _0205

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