Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,179,922 to 2,183,922 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_2060 and are separated by 97 nucleotides and Dshi_2061 overlap by 1233 nucleotidesDshi_2061 and Dshi_2062 are separated by 159 nucleotides Dshi_2060: Dshi_2060 - Aconitate hydratase (EC (from data), at 2,178,310 to 2,181,102 _2060 frame +2, at 2,181,200 to 2,182,645 frame +2 Dshi_2061: Dshi_2061 - aspartate kinase (RefSeq), at 2,181,413 to 2,182,651 _2061 Dshi_2062: Dshi_2062 - PTSINtr with GAF domain, PtsP (RefSeq), at 2,182,811 to 2,185,054 _2062

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