Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,195,736 to 2,199,736 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_2096 and HP15_2097 are separated by 95 nucleotidesHP15_2097 and HP15_2098 are separated by 49 nucleotidesHP15_2098 and overlap by 1146 nucleotides and HP15_2099 overlap by 118 nucleotidesHP15_2099 and HP15_2100 are separated by 6 nucleotides HP15_2096: HP15_2096 - conserved hypothetical protein, at 2,195,593 to 2,196,063 _2096 HP15_2097: HP15_2097 - protease HtpX-like protein, at 2,196,159 to 2,197,040 _2097 HP15_2098: HP15_2098 - erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase, at 2,197,090 to 2,198,241 _2098 frame -2, at 2,197,096 to 2,198,376 frame -2 HP15_2099: HP15_2099 - DEAD/DEAH box helicase domain protein, at 2,198,259 to 2,199,542 _2099 HP15_2100: HP15_2100 - transporting ATPase, at 2,199,549 to 2,200,103 _2100

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