Browse Sphingomonas koreensis DSMZ 15582

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,327,424 to 2,331,424 on scaffold Ga0059261_unitig_0_quiver.1:

500 ntGa0059261_2224 and Ga0059261_2225 overlap by 4 nucleotidesGa0059261_2225 and Ga0059261_2226 are separated by 269 nucleotidesGa0059261_2226 and overlap by 1194 nucleotides and Ga0059261_2227 overlap by 134 nucleotides Ga0059261_2224: Ga0059261_2224 - Uncharacterized conserved protein, at 2,327,375 to 2,327,797 _2224 Ga0059261_2225: Ga0059261_2225 - methionine-S-sulfoxide reductase, at 2,327,794 to 2,328,468 _2225 Ga0059261_2226: Ga0059261_2226 - Aspartate/tyrosine/aromatic aminotransferase, at 2,328,738 to 2,329,937 _2226 frame -1, at 2,328,744 to 2,330,105 frame -1 Ga0059261_2227: Ga0059261_2227 - aminodeoxychorismate synthase, component I, bacterial clade, at 2,329,972 to 2,331,735 _2227

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