Browse Pseudomonas fluorescens GW456-L13

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,348,611 to 2,352,611 on scaffold scaffold1/0|quiver|pilon:

500 ntPfGW456L13_2146 and PfGW456L13_2147 are separated by 56 nucleotidesPfGW456L13_2147 and are separated by 163 nucleotides and PfGW456L13_2148 overlap by 810 nucleotidesPfGW456L13_2148 and PfGW456L13_2149 are separated by 64 nucleotidesPfGW456L13_2149 and PfGW456L13_2150 are separated by 154 nucleotidesPfGW456L13_2150 and PfGW456L13_2151 are separated by 5 nucleotidesPfGW456L13_2151 and PfGW456L13_2152 are separated by 201 nucleotides PfGW456L13_2146 - Phosphoglycerol transferase and related proteins, alkaline phosphatase superfamily, at 2,347,681 to 2,349,774 _2146 PfGW456L13_2147 - hypothetical protein, at 2,349,831 to 2,349,983 _2147 frame +1, at 2,350,147 to 2,351,076 frame +1 PfGW456L13_2148 - Oxidoreductase, short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family, at 2,350,267 to 2,351,082 _2148 PfGW456L13_2149 - Protein of unknown function UPF0060, at 2,351,147 to 2,351,479 _2149 PfGW456L13_2150 - Carbon storage regulator, at 2,351,634 to 2,351,819 _2150 PfGW456L13_2151 - FIG00953242: hypothetical protein, at 2,351,825 to 2,352,052 _2151 PfGW456L13_2152 - Deblocking aminopeptidase (EC 3.4.11.-) @ Cyanophycinase 2 (EC, at 2,352,254 to 2,353,444 _2152

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