Browse Pseudomonas stutzeri RCH2

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,378,654 to 2,382,654 on scaffold Psest_Contig47.1:

500 ntPsest_2228 and Psest_2229 are separated by 400 nucleotidesPsest_2229 and Psest_2230 are separated by 42 nucleotidesPsest_2230 and overlap by 1353 nucleotides and Psest_2231 overlap by 65 nucleotidesPsest_2231 and Psest_2232 are separated by 34 nucleotides Psest_2228: Psest_2228 - hypothetical protein, at 2,377,663 to 2,378,958 _2228 Psest_2229: Psest_2229 - Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria, at 2,379,359 to 2,379,862 _2229 Psest_2230: Psest_2230 - Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) component, and related enzymes, at 2,379,905 to 2,381,263 _2230 frame -3, at 2,379,911 to 2,381,398 frame -3 Psest_2231: Psest_2231 - Lactoylglutathione lyase and related lyases, at 2,381,334 to 2,381,756 _2231 Psest_2232: Psest_2232 - UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase, at 2,381,791 to 2,382,630 _2232

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