Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,385,845 to 2,389,845 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_2263 and Dshi_2264 overlap by 8 nucleotidesDshi_2264 and overlap by 2937 nucleotides and Dshi_2265 overlap by 154 nucleotides Dshi_2263: Dshi_2263 - sarcosine oxidase, gamma subunit, putative (RefSeq), at 2,385,725 to 2,386,303 _2263 Dshi_2264: Dshi_2264 - sarcosine oxidase, alpha subunit family (RefSeq), at 2,386,296 to 2,389,238 _2264 frame -1, at 2,386,302 to 2,389,388 frame -1 Dshi_2265: Dshi_2265 - Sarcosine oxidase delta subunit heterotetrameric (RefSeq), at 2,389,235 to 2,389,498 _2265

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