Browse Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,398,418 to 2,402,418 on scaffold 241:

500 ntBT1909 and BT1910 overlap by 11 nucleotidesBT1910 and are separated by 350 nucleotides and BT1911 overlap by 774 nucleotidesBT1911 and BT1912 are separated by 619 nucleotidesBT1912 and BT1913 are separated by 109 nucleotides BT1909: BT1909 - hypothetical protein (NCBI ptt file), at 2,398,533 to 2,398,736 BT1909 BT1910: BT1910 - conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI ptt file), at 2,398,726 to 2,399,664 BT1910 frame +3, at 2,400,015 to 2,400,821 frame +3 BT1911: BT1911 - 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NCBI ptt file), at 2,400,048 to 2,400,827 BT1911 BT1912: BT1912 - hypothetical protein (NCBI ptt file), at 2,401,447 to 2,401,650 BT1912 BT1913: BT1913 - nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (NCBI ptt file), at 2,401,760 to 2,402,929 BT1913

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