Browse Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,498,777 to 2,502,777 on scaffold NZ_CP010537:

500 ntRR42_RS31745 and RR42_RS31750 are separated by 76 nucleotidesRR42_RS31750 and RR42_RS31755 are separated by 293 nucleotidesRR42_RS31755 and overlap by 711 nucleotides and RR42_RS31760 are separated by 55 nucleotides RR42_RS31745: RR42_RS31745 - ABC transporter permease, at 2,498,453 to 2,499,202 _RS31745 RR42_RS31750: RR42_RS31750 - IclR family transcriptional regulator, at 2,499,279 to 2,500,046 _RS31750 RR42_RS31755: RR42_RS31755 - short-chain dehydrogenase, at 2,500,340 to 2,501,056 _RS31755 frame -3, at 2,500,346 to 2,501,209 frame -3 RR42_RS31760: RR42_RS31760 - IclR family transcriptional regulator, at 2,501,265 to 2,503,364 _RS31760

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