Browse Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,552,223 to 2,556,223 on scaffold NZ_CP010537:

500 ntRR42_RS31975 and RR42_RS31980 are separated by 1 nucleotidesRR42_RS31980 and RR42_RS31985 are separated by 11 nucleotidesRR42_RS31985 and overlap by 762 nucleotides and RR42_RS31990 overlap by 158 nucleotides RR42_RS31975: RR42_RS31975 - fatty acid--CoA ligase, at 2,551,084 to 2,552,724 _RS31975 RR42_RS31980: RR42_RS31980 - 3-ketosteroid-9-alpha-hydroxylase, at 2,552,726 to 2,553,754 _RS31980 RR42_RS31985: RR42_RS31985 - short-chain dehydrogenase, at 2,553,766 to 2,554,533 _RS31985 frame -1, at 2,553,772 to 2,554,674 frame -1 RR42_RS31990: RR42_RS31990 - delta 4, 5-alpha steroid dehydrogenase, at 2,554,517 to 2,556,223 _RS31990

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