Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,739,931 to 2,743,931 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc02034 and SMc02035 are separated by 227 nucleotidesSMc02035 and overlap by 1035 nucleotides and SMc02036 are separated by 76 nucleotidesSMc02036 and SMc02037 are separated by 241 nucleotides SMc02034: SMc02034 - oxidoreductase, at 2,740,370 to 2,741,143 SMc02034 SMc02035: SMc02035 - oxidoreductase, at 2,741,371 to 2,742,411 SMc02035 frame -1, at 2,741,377 to 2,742,486 frame -1 SMc02036: SMc02036 - transcriptional regulator, at 2,742,563 to 2,743,270 SMc02036 SMc02037: SMc02037 - oxidoreductase, at 2,743,512 to 2,744,282 SMc02037

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