Browse Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N1B4

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,752,659 to 2,756,659 on scaffold unitig_2|quiver.unitig_0|quiver.unitig_1|quiver|pilon:

500 ntPf1N1B4_2427 and Pf1N1B4_2428 are separated by 13 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_2428 and Pf1N1B4_2429 are separated by 142 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_2429 and overlap by 960 nucleotides and Pf1N1B4_2430 are separated by 127 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_2430 and Pf1N1B4_2431 are separated by 75 nucleotides Pf1N1B4_2427 - Gamma-butyrobetaine,2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (EC, at 2,752,372 to 2,753,535 _2427 Pf1N1B4_2428 - FIG143042: Thioesterase-like protein, at 2,753,549 to 2,754,025 _2428 Pf1N1B4_2429 - Carnitine 3-dehydrogenase (EC (from data), at 2,754,168 to 2,755,133 _2429 frame -1, at 2,754,174 to 2,755,145 frame -1 Pf1N1B4_2430 - FIG004891: hypothetical protein in carnitine cluster, at 2,755,273 to 2,756,160 _2430 Pf1N1B4_2431 - L-proline glycine betaine binding ABC transporter protein ProX (TC 3.A.1.12.1), at 2,756,236 to 2,757,180 _2431

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