Browse Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 2,822,798 to 2,826,798 on scaffold NZ_CP010537:

500 ntRR42_RS33055 and RR42_RS33060 are separated by 35 nucleotidesRR42_RS33060 and RR42_RS33065 are separated by 89 nucleotidesRR42_RS33065 and overlap by 1167 nucleotides and RR42_RS33070 are separated by 35 nucleotidesRR42_RS33070 and RR42_RS33075 are separated by 135 nucleotides RR42_RS33055: RR42_RS33055 - branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase subunit E2, at 2,821,963 to 2,823,066 _RS33055 RR42_RS33060: RR42_RS33060 - twin-arginine translocation pathway signal, at 2,823,102 to 2,824,067 _RS33060 RR42_RS33065: RR42_RS33065 - mandelate racemase, at 2,824,157 to 2,825,329 _RS33065 frame -3, at 2,824,163 to 2,825,434 frame -3 RR42_RS33070: RR42_RS33070 - oxidoreductase, at 2,825,470 to 2,826,171 _RS33070 RR42_RS33075: RR42_RS33075 - dihydrodipicolinate synthetase, at 2,826,307 to 2,827,248 _RS33075

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