Browse Dechlorosoma suillum PS

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,074,366 to 3,078,366 on scaffold CP003153:

500 ntDsui_2879 and are separated by 153 nucleotides and Dsui_2880 overlap by 1338 nucleotidesDsui_2880 and Dsui_2881 overlap by 4 nucleotidesDsui_2881 and Dsui_2882 are separated by 10 nucleotides Dsui_2879: Dsui_2879 - methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein, at 3,074,009 to 3,075,505 _2879 frame +2, at 3,075,659 to 3,077,074 frame +2 Dsui_2880: Dsui_2880 - adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase, at 3,075,737 to 3,077,080 _2880 Dsui_2881: Dsui_2881 - 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase, at 3,077,077 to 3,078,252 _2881 Dsui_2882: Dsui_2882 - putative hydrolase or acyltransferase of alpha/beta superfamily, at 3,078,263 to 3,079,015 _2882

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