Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,104,085 to 3,108,085 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_2944 and Dshi_2945 overlap by 4 nucleotidesDshi_2945 and Dshi_2946 overlap by 4 nucleotidesDshi_2946 and overlap by 1080 nucleotides and Dshi_2947 overlap by 233 nucleotidesDshi_2947 and Dshi_2948 are separated by 88 nucleotides Dshi_2944: Dshi_2944 - Extensin family protein (RefSeq), at 3,103,635 to 3,104,450 _2944 Dshi_2945: Dshi_2945 - Prephenate dehydrogenase (RefSeq), at 3,104,447 to 3,105,388 _2945 Dshi_2946: Dshi_2946 - histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase (RefSeq), at 3,105,385 to 3,106,470 _2946 frame -3, at 3,105,391 to 3,106,779 frame -3 Dshi_2947: Dshi_2947 - Homospermidine synthase (RefSeq), at 3,106,547 to 3,107,965 _2947 Dshi_2948: Dshi_2948 - RNA-binding S4 domain protein (RefSeq), at 3,108,054 to 3,108,674 _2948

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