Browse Dechlorosoma suillum PS

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,110,018 to 3,114,018 on scaffold CP003153:

500 ntDsui_2907 and Dsui_2908 are separated by 55 nucleotidesDsui_2908 and overlap by 1221 nucleotides and Dsui_2909 overlap by 80 nucleotidesDsui_2909 and Dsui_2910 are separated by 111 nucleotides Dsui_2907: Dsui_2907 - homoserine dehydrogenase, at 3,109,963 to 3,111,273 _2907 Dsui_2908: Dsui_2908 - aspartate/tyrosine/aromatic aminotransferase, at 3,111,329 to 3,112,555 _2908 frame -1, at 3,111,335 to 3,112,702 frame -1 Dsui_2909: Dsui_2909 - aspartate/tyrosine/aromatic aminotransferase, at 3,112,623 to 3,113,810 _2909 Dsui_2910: Dsui_2910 - hypothetical protein, at 3,113,922 to 3,114,293 _2910

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