Browse Klebsiella michiganensis M5al

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,119,582 to 3,123,582 on scaffold NZ_CP020657:

500 ntBWI76_RS14885 and BWI76_RS14890 are separated by 20 nucleotidesBWI76_RS14890 and overlap by 79 nucleotides and BWI76_RS14895 overlap by 756 nucleotidesBWI76_RS14895 and BWI76_RS14900 are separated by 16 nucleotidesBWI76_RS14900 and BWI76_RS14905 are separated by 87 nucleotides BWI76_RS14885: BWI76_RS14885 - putative glycerol uptake operon antiterminator, at 3,119,128 to 3,119,679 _RS14885 BWI76_RS14890: BWI76_RS14890 - carbohydrate kinase, at 3,119,700 to 3,121,238 _RS14890 frame +2, at 3,121,160 to 3,122,005 frame +2 BWI76_RS14895: BWI76_RS14895 - 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase, at 3,121,250 to 3,122,011 _RS14895 BWI76_RS14900: BWI76_RS14900 - oxidoreductase, at 3,122,028 to 3,123,023 _RS14900 BWI76_RS14905: BWI76_RS14905 - hypothetical protein, at 3,123,111 to 3,124,373 _RS14905

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