Browse Shewanella oneidensis MR-1

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,196,647 to 3,200,647 on scaffold 139:

500 ntSO3077 and SO3078 are separated by 62 nucleotidesSO3078 and SO_3079 are separated by 77 nucleotidesSO_3079 and overlap by 303 nucleotides and SO3078.2 overlap by 49 nucleotidesSO3078.2 and SO3080 are separated by 128 nucleotides SO3077: SO3077 - conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI ptt file), at 3,196,026 to 3,197,156 SO3077 SO3078: SO3078 - major facilitator family protein, putative (NCBI ptt file), at 3,197,219 to 3,198,388 SO3078 SO_3079: SO_3079 - no description, at 3,198,466 to 3,198,774 _3079 frame -1, at 3,198,472 to 3,198,822 frame -1 SO3078.2: SO3078.2 - hypothetical chorismate synthase (NCBI ptt file), at 3,198,774 to 3,199,559 SO3078.2 SO3080: SO3080 - hemK family protein (NCBI ptt file), at 3,199,688 to 3,200,605 SO3080

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