Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 321,065 to 325,065 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_0334 and Dshi_0335 are separated by 36 nucleotidesDshi_0335 and overlap by 1407 nucleotides and Dshi_0336 overlap by 32 nucleotides Dshi_0334: Dshi_0334 - integral membrane sensor signal transduction histidine kinase (RefSeq), at 320,898 to 322,301 _0334 Dshi_0335: Dshi_0335 - pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase dimerisation region (RefSeq), at 322,338 to 323,750 _0335 frame -1, at 322,344 to 323,786 frame -1 Dshi_0336: Dshi_0336 - SNARE associated Golgi protein (RefSeq), at 323,755 to 324,486 _0336

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