Browse Shewanella amazonensis SB2B

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,239,570 to 3,243,570 on scaffold 248323:

500 ntSama_2707 and Sama_2708 are separated by 193 nucleotidesSama_2708 and overlap by 112 nucleotides and Sama_2709 overlap by 1041 nucleotidesSama_2709 and Sama_2710 are separated by 18 nucleotidesSama_2710 and Sama_2711 are separated by 36 nucleotidesSama_2711 and Sama_2712 are separated by 220 nucleotides Sama_2707: Sama_2707 - gamma-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase subunit-like protein (RefSeq), at 3,239,378 to 3,239,797 _2707 Sama_2708: Sama_2708 - putative signal peptide protein (RefSeq), at 3,239,991 to 3,241,058 _2708 frame +2, at 3,240,947 to 3,242,194 frame +2 Sama_2709: Sama_2709 - D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family protein (RefSeq), at 3,241,154 to 3,242,200 _2709 Sama_2710: Sama_2710 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 3,242,219 to 3,242,575 _2710 Sama_2711: Sama_2711 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 3,242,612 to 3,243,124 _2711 Sama_2712: Sama_2712 - AraC family transcriptional regulator (RefSeq), at 3,243,345 to 3,244,244 _2712

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