Browse Klebsiella michiganensis M5al

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,243,620 to 3,247,620 on scaffold NZ_CP020657:

500 ntBWI76_RS15480 and BWI76_RS15485 are separated by 51 nucleotidesBWI76_RS15485 and BWI76_RS15490 are separated by 278 nucleotidesBWI76_RS15490 and overlap by 1458 nucleotides and BWI76_RS15495 are separated by 133 nucleotides BWI76_RS15480: BWI76_RS15480 - GntR family transcriptional regulator, at 3,243,393 to 3,244,079 _RS15480 BWI76_RS15485: BWI76_RS15485 - putative universal stress protein G, at 3,244,131 to 3,244,562 _RS15485 BWI76_RS15490: BWI76_RS15490 - mannitol dehydrogenase family protein, at 3,244,841 to 3,246,304 _RS15490 frame -1, at 3,244,847 to 3,246,394 frame -1 BWI76_RS15495: BWI76_RS15495 - MFS transporter, at 3,246,528 to 3,247,820 _RS15495

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