Browse Dechlorosoma suillum PS

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,265,145 to 3,269,145 on scaffold CP003153:

500 ntDsui_3048 and Dsui_3049 are separated by 15 nucleotidesDsui_3049 and Dsui_3050 are separated by 4 nucleotidesDsui_3050 and Dsui_3051 are separated by 70 nucleotidesDsui_3051 and Dsui_3052 are separated by 467 nucleotidesDsui_3052 and overlap by 720 nucleotides and Dsui_3053 are separated by 189 nucleotidesDsui_3053 and Dsui_3054 are separated by 69 nucleotides Dsui_3048: Dsui_3048 - NADH/F420H2 dehydrogenase, subunit C, at 3,264,673 to 3,265,266 _3048 Dsui_3049: Dsui_3049 - NADH-quinone oxidoreductase, B subunit, at 3,265,282 to 3,265,758 _3049 Dsui_3050: Dsui_3050 - NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 3 (chain A), at 3,265,763 to 3,266,137 _3050 Dsui_3051: Dsui_3051 - tRNA-Leu, at 3,266,208 to 3,266,292 _3051 Dsui_3052: Dsui_3052 - triosephosphate isomerase, at 3,266,760 to 3,267,485 _3052 frame -3, at 3,266,766 to 3,267,524 frame -3 Dsui_3053: Dsui_3053 - phosphate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein, at 3,267,714 to 3,268,490 _3053 Dsui_3054: Dsui_3054 - phosphate ABC transporter, permease protein PstA, at 3,268,560 to 3,269,498 _3054

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