Browse Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,274,008 to 3,278,008 on scaffold NC_010681:

500 ntBPHYT_RS14340 and BPHYT_RS14345 are separated by 100 nucleotidesBPHYT_RS14345 and overlap by 1023 nucleotides and BPHYT_RS14350 overlap by 3 nucleotidesBPHYT_RS14350 and BPHYT_RS14355 are separated by 15 nucleotidesBPHYT_RS14355 and BPHYT_RS14360 overlap by 4 nucleotides BPHYT_RS14340: BPHYT_RS14340 - Fis family transcriptional regulator, at 3,273,972 to 3,275,354 _RS14340 BPHYT_RS14345: BPHYT_RS14345 - beta-hexosaminidase, at 3,275,455 to 3,276,483 _RS14345 frame -1, at 3,275,461 to 3,276,555 frame -1 BPHYT_RS14350: BPHYT_RS14350 - holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase, at 3,276,553 to 3,276,975 _RS14350 BPHYT_RS14355: BPHYT_RS14355 - pyridoxine 5'-phosphate synthase, at 3,276,991 to 3,277,755 _RS14355 BPHYT_RS14360: BPHYT_RS14360 - DNA repair protein RecO, at 3,277,752 to 3,278,681 _RS14360

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