Browse Pseudomonas stutzeri RCH2

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,301,627 to 3,305,627 on scaffold Psest_Contig47.1:

500 ntPsest_3125 and Psest_3126 are separated by 74 nucleotidesPsest_3126 and overlap by 1299 nucleotides and Psest_3127 are separated by 49 nucleotidesPsest_3127 and Psest_3128 are separated by 101 nucleotides Psest_3125: Psest_3125 - threonine synthase, at 3,301,457 to 3,302,866 _3125 Psest_3126: Psest_3126 - Homoserine dehydrogenase, at 3,302,941 to 3,304,245 _3126 frame -1, at 3,302,947 to 3,304,308 frame -1 Psest_3127: Psest_3127 - Uncharacterized conserved protein, at 3,304,358 to 3,304,846 _3127 Psest_3128: Psest_3128 - Protein-disulfide isomerase, at 3,304,948 to 3,305,673 _3128

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