Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,371,274 to 3,375,274 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_3219 and are separated by 289 nucleotides and HP15_3220 overlap by 396 nucleotidesHP15_3220 and HP15_3221 are separated by 27 nucleotidesHP15_3221 and HP15_3222 are separated by 18 nucleotides HP15_3219: HP15_3219 - two-component response regulator, at 3,371,141 to 3,372,754 _3219 frame +3, at 3,373,044 to 3,373,505 frame +3 HP15_3220: HP15_3220 - dehydroquinase, class II, at 3,373,110 to 3,373,511 _3220 HP15_3221: HP15_3221 - acetyl-CoA biotin carboxyl carrier, at 3,373,539 to 3,374,006 _3221 HP15_3222: HP15_3222 - acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxylase subunit, at 3,374,025 to 3,375,371 _3222

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