Browse Echinicola vietnamensis KMM 6221, DSM 17526

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,413,660 to 3,417,660 on scaffold Echvi_Contig97.1:

500 ntEchvi_2847 and Echvi_2848 are separated by 19 nucleotidesEchvi_2848 and are separated by 318 nucleotides and Echvi_2849 overlap by 1056 nucleotidesEchvi_2849 and Echvi_2850 are separated by 292 nucleotides Echvi_2847: Echvi_2847 - SusD family., at 3,412,135 to 3,413,724 _2847 Echvi_2848: Echvi_2848 - hypothetical protein, at 3,413,744 to 3,414,784 _2848 frame +2, at 3,415,103 to 3,416,218 frame +2 Echvi_2849: Echvi_2849 - fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II, yeast/E. coli subtype, at 3,415,163 to 3,416,224 _2849 Echvi_2850: Echvi_2850 - Alpha-amylase (EC (from data), at 3,416,517 to 3,418,076 _2850

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