Browse Shewanella amazonensis SB2B

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,442,494 to 3,446,494 on scaffold 248323:

500 ntSama_2896 and are separated by 285 nucleotides and Sama_2897 overlap by 1590 nucleotidesSama_2897 and Sama_2898 are separated by 119 nucleotides Sama_2896: Sama_2896 - putative TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor (RefSeq), at 3,440,784 to 3,443,387 _2896 frame +3, at 3,443,673 to 3,445,316 frame +3 Sama_2897: Sama_2897 - long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (RefSeq), at 3,443,727 to 3,445,322 _2897 Sama_2898: Sama_2898 - 4-hydroxybutyrate coenzyme A transferase (RefSeq), at 3,445,442 to 3,446,728 _2898

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