Browse Sphingomonas koreensis DSMZ 15582

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,574,774 to 3,578,774 on scaffold Ga0059261_unitig_0_quiver.1:

500 ntGa0059261_3448 and Ga0059261_3449 are separated by 37 nucleotidesGa0059261_3449 and Ga0059261_3450 are separated by 22 nucleotidesGa0059261_3450 and Ga0059261_3451 overlap by 4 nucleotidesGa0059261_3451 and overlap by 136 nucleotides and Ga0059261_3452 overlap by 987 nucleotidesGa0059261_3452 and Ga0059261_3453 are separated by 63 nucleotidesGa0059261_3453 and Ga0059261_3454 are separated by 350 nucleotidesGa0059261_3454 and Ga0059261_3455 overlap by 4 nucleotides Ga0059261_3448: Ga0059261_3448 - Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dioxygenase superfamily, at 3,574,559 to 3,574,972 _3448 Ga0059261_3449: Ga0059261_3449 - G/U mismatch-specific uracil-DNA glycosylase (EC 3.2.2.-), at 3,575,010 to 3,575,513 _3449 Ga0059261_3450: Ga0059261_3450 - Predicted membrane protein, at 3,575,536 to 3,575,862 _3450 Ga0059261_3451: Ga0059261_3451 - hypothetical protein, at 3,575,859 to 3,576,281 _3451 frame +2, at 3,576,146 to 3,577,402 frame +2 Ga0059261_3452: Ga0059261_3452 - Cysteine synthase, at 3,576,416 to 3,577,408 _3452 Ga0059261_3453: Ga0059261_3453 - hypothetical protein, at 3,577,472 to 3,577,777 _3453 Ga0059261_3454: Ga0059261_3454 - Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria, at 3,578,128 to 3,578,637 _3454 Ga0059261_3455: Ga0059261_3455 - 16S rRNA (cytosine(1402)-N(4))-methyltransferase, at 3,578,634 to 3,579,584 _3455

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