Browse Escherichia coli BW25113

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 35,073 to 39,073 on scaffold 7023:

500 ntcaiE and caiD are separated by 5 nucleotidescaiD and caiC are separated by 108 nucleotidescaiC and overlap by 1548 nucleotides and caiB are separated by 28 nucleotides b0035: caiE - possible synthesis of cofactor for carnitine racemase and dehydratase (VIMSS), at 34,781 to 35,371 caiE b0036: caiD - crotonobetainyl CoA hydratase (RefSeq), at 35,377 to 36,162 caiD b0037: caiC - predicted crotonobetaine CoA ligase:carnitine CoA ligase (RefSeq), at 36,271 to 37,824 caiC frame -2, at 36,277 to 37,869 frame -2 b0038: caiB - crotonobetainyl-CoA:carnitineCoA-transferase (NCBI), at 37,898 to 39,115 caiB

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