Browse Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 3,852,787 to 3,856,787 on scaffold NC_007626:

500 ntAMB_RS17730 and AMB_RS17735 overlap by 4 nucleotidesAMB_RS17735 and are separated by 90 nucleotides and overlap by 1723 nucleotides and AMB_RS17740 overlap by 1761 nucleotidesAMB_RS17740 and AMB_RS17745 are separated by 13 nucleotidesAMB_RS17745 and AMB_RS17750 are separated by 54 nucleotides AMB_RS17730: AMB_RS17730 - NnrS family protein, at 3,851,742 to 3,852,866 _RS17730 AMB_RS17735: AMB_RS17735 - tRNA (adenosine(37)-N6)-dimethylallyltransferase MiaA, at 3,852,863 to 3,853,810 _RS17735 region with similarity, at 3,853,901 to 3,855,623 region with similarity frame +2, at 3,853,901 to 3,855,673 frame +2 AMB_RS17740: AMB_RS17740 - acetolactate synthase 3 large subunit, at 3,853,913 to 3,855,679 _RS17740 AMB_RS17745: AMB_RS17745 - acetolactate synthase small subunit, at 3,855,693 to 3,856,208 _RS17745 AMB_RS17750: AMB_RS17750 - ketol-acid reductoisomerase, at 3,856,263 to 3,857,282 _RS17750

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