Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 3,913,406 to 3,917,406 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_3706 and HP15_3707 are separated by 100 nucleotidesHP15_3707 and HP15_3708 are separated by 205 nucleotidesHP15_3708 and overlap by 1272 nucleotides and HP15_3709 overlap by 55 nucleotides HP15_3706: HP15_3706 - DNA gyrase subunit B-like protein, at 3,911,283 to 3,913,622 _3706 HP15_3707: HP15_3707 - uncharacterized conserved protein UCP028137, membrane, at 3,913,723 to 3,914,487 _3707 HP15_3708: HP15_3708 - 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase, at 3,914,693 to 3,915,970 _3708 frame -1, at 3,914,699 to 3,916,114 frame -1 HP15_3709: HP15_3709 - lipid A ABC transporter ATPase/inner membrane protein, at 3,916,060 to 3,917,732 _3709

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