Browse Herbaspirillum seropedicae SmR1

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 411,148 to 415,148 on scaffold NC_014323:

500 ntHSERO_RS01870 and HSERO_RS01875 overlap by 4 nucleotidesHSERO_RS01875 and HSERO_RS01880 are separated by 3 nucleotidesHSERO_RS01880 and HSERO_RS01885 are separated by 406 nucleotides HSERO_RS01870: HSERO_RS01870 - ABC transporter permease, at 410,664 to 411,476 _RS01870 HSERO_RS01875: HSERO_RS01875 - hypothetical protein, at 411,473 to 411,757 _RS01875 HSERO_RS01880: HSERO_RS01880 - N-acetyl-anhydromuranmyl-L-alanine amidase, at 411,761 to 412,384 _RS01880 HSERO_RS01885: HSERO_RS01885 - ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha, at 412,791 to 415,775 _RS01885 frame -2, at 412,999 to 413,298 frame -2

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