Browse Shewanella loihica PV-4

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,155,150 to 4,159,150 on scaffold 113993:

500 ntShew_3470 and Shew_3471 overlap by 1 nucleotidesShew_3471 and Shew_3472 are separated by 55 nucleotidesShew_3472 and overlap by 1566 nucleotides and Shew_3473 are separated by 488 nucleotides Shew_3470: Shew_3470 - isopropylmalate isomerase large subunit (RefSeq), at 4,153,797 to 4,155,197 _3470 Shew_3471: Shew_3471 - 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (RefSeq), at 4,155,197 to 4,156,291 _3471 Shew_3472: Shew_3472 - 2-isopropylmalate synthase (RefSeq), at 4,156,347 to 4,157,918 _3472 frame -2, at 4,156,353 to 4,157,948 frame -2 Shew_3473: Shew_3473 - response regulator receiver protein (RefSeq), at 4,158,437 to 4,160,185 _3473

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