Browse Shewanella loihica PV-4

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,163,226 to 4,167,226 on scaffold 113993:

500 ntShew_3476 and Shew_3477 overlap by 30 nucleotidesShew_3477 and Shew_3478 are separated by 186 nucleotidesShew_3478 and overlap by 1317 nucleotides and rpmG are separated by 260 nucleotidesrpmG and Shew_3480 are separated by 6 nucleotidesShew_3480 and Shew_3481 are separated by 123 nucleotides Shew_3476: Shew_3476 - transporter DMT superfamily protein (RefSeq), at 4,162,947 to 4,163,834 _3476 Shew_3477: Shew_3477 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 4,163,805 to 4,164,344 _3477 Shew_3478: Shew_3478 - N-acetylglutamate synthase (RefSeq), at 4,164,531 to 4,165,853 _3478 frame -2, at 4,164,537 to 4,165,916 frame -2 Shew_3479: rpmG - 50S ribosomal protein L33 (RefSeq), at 4,166,177 to 4,166,350 rpmG Shew_3480: Shew_3480 - ribosomal protein L28 (RefSeq), at 4,166,357 to 4,166,593 _3480 Shew_3481: Shew_3481 - DNA repair protein RadC (RefSeq), at 4,166,717 to 4,167,418 _3481

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