Browse Klebsiella michiganensis M5al

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,233,047 to 4,237,047 on scaffold NZ_CP020657:

500 ntBWI76_RS20200 and are separated by 841 nucleotides and BWI76_RS20205 overlap by 1212 nucleotidesBWI76_RS20205 and BWI76_RS20210 are separated by 87 nucleotidesBWI76_RS20210 and BWI76_RS20215 are separated by 53 nucleotides BWI76_RS20200: BWI76_RS20200 - transcriptional regulator LrhA, at 4,232,650 to 4,233,576 _RS20200 frame +2, at 4,234,418 to 4,235,677 frame +2 BWI76_RS20205: BWI76_RS20205 - aminotransferase AlaT, at 4,234,466 to 4,235,683 _RS20205 BWI76_RS20210: BWI76_RS20210 - 5'-deoxynucleotidase, at 4,235,771 to 4,236,370 _RS20210 BWI76_RS20215: BWI76_RS20215 - transcriptional regulator, at 4,236,424 to 4,238,256 _RS20215

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