Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,250,001 to 4,254,001 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_4016 and are separated by 126 nucleotides and HP15_4017 overlap by 1107 nucleotidesHP15_4017 and HP15_4018 are separated by 83 nucleotidesHP15_4018 and HP15_4019 are separated by 75 nucleotides HP15_4016: HP15_4016 - deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase, at 4,249,978 to 4,251,300 _4016 frame +1, at 4,251,427 to 4,252,575 frame +1 HP15_4017: HP15_4017 - formaldehyde dehydrogenase (glutathione-dependent), at 4,251,469 to 4,252,581 _4017 HP15_4018: HP15_4018 - membrane protein containing antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase domain, at 4,252,665 to 4,253,261 _4018 HP15_4019: HP15_4019 - protein containing DUF1329, at 4,253,337 to 4,254,626 _4019

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