Browse Escherichia coli BW25113

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,282,442 to 4,286,442 on scaffold 7023:

500 ntactP and yjcH overlap by 4 nucleotidesyjcH and acs are separated by 199 nucleotidesacs and overlap by 1953 nucleotides and nrfA are separated by 344 nucleotides b4067: actP - acetate permease (NCBI), at 4,281,276 to 4,282,925 actP b4068: yjcH - required for glycolate transport, with actP (from data), at 4,282,922 to 4,283,236 yjcH b4069: acs - acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (NCBI), at 4,283,436 to 4,285,394 acs frame -3, at 4,283,442 to 4,285,442 frame -3 b4070: nrfA - nitrite reductase, formate-dependent, cytochrome (NCBI), at 4,285,787 to 4,287,223 nrfA

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