Browse Escherichia coli BW25113

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,549,639 to 4,553,639 on scaffold 7023:

500 ntuxuA and are separated by 56 nucleotides and uxuB overlap by 1455 nucleotidesuxuB and uxuR are separated by 214 nucleotidesuxuR and yjiC are separated by 140 nucleotides b4322: uxuA - mannonate dehydratase (NCBI), at 4,549,659 to 4,550,843 uxuA frame +2, at 4,550,900 to 4,552,378 frame +2 b4323: uxuB - D-mannonate oxidoreductase, NAD-binding (NCBI), at 4,550,924 to 4,552,384 uxuB b4324: uxuR - DNA-binding transcriptional repressor (NCBI), at 4,552,599 to 4,553,372 uxuR b4325: yjiC - orf, hypothetical protein (VIMSS), at 4,553,513 to 4,554,343 yjiC

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