Browse Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 4,877,054 to 4,881,054 on scaffold 241:

500 ntBT3756 and BT3757 are separated by 39 nucleotidesBT3757 and BT3758 are separated by 135 nucleotidesBT3758 and overlap by 1116 nucleotides and BT3759 overlap by 20 nucleotidesBT3759 and BT3760 overlap by 4 nucleotides BT3756: BT3756 - transcriptional regulator (NCBI ptt file), at 4,876,971 to 4,877,525 BT3756 BT3757: BT3757 - pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (EC (from data), at 4,877,565 to 4,878,338 BT3757 BT3758: BT3758 - N-succinylornithine aminotransferase (EC (from data), at 4,878,474 to 4,879,595 BT3758 frame -2, at 4,878,480 to 4,879,628 frame -2 BT3759: BT3759 - N-succinylglutamylphosphate reductase (EC 1.2.1.-) (from data), at 4,879,609 to 4,880,577 BT3759 BT3760: BT3760 - arginosuccinate synthetase (EC (from data), at 4,880,574 to 4,881,782 BT3760

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